What color Popsicle should you eat based on your mood? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What color Popsicle should you eat based on your mood?
Orange flavor,well I don't think I'm very spunky but I am very creative and imaginative a lot of the time due to my strong interest in drawing along with writing. Cool quiz anyways though and yes pun intended lol.
Zimswife1 -
At first I was like 'I'm Angry?'
Then I realized I waswhy wouldn't my sister stop reading over my shoulder and leave me alone?
Oh my god, this is the first time I've seen your quiz and I had such a similar idea "what sort of cake should you eat". It's weird how we had similar ideas! Oh and I got grape :)
Purple because i feel afraid!! Well I am afraid because im all by myself in the house... :(
BadBihh1 -
I got red
Thank you guys for your nice comments! c:
Omg I got a tie for four of them. I'LL EAT ALL!!! ^u^
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