What Is Your Physical Appearance Report Card Grade? | Comments

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  • This is straight up disgusting. Apparently I am low graded and I have a dorky style of clothing and Im also a nerdy person with a super unattractive look

    Wtf?! These are the type of tests that cause depression. I hate to say it but this test has brought some people to tears. You are saying that people that have brown hair and brown eyes and nice friends that arent rude and popular but are known as nice people and if you have normal shoes and casual clothing and arent rich snitches and dont wear makeup and wash your self and brush your teeth are somewhat

    Ugly. HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THIS! Just because a person isnt as rich and pretty as another does not mean that they are dorky and unattractive and nerdy. Some people actually have a personality like that like me but to say it straight up to them is absolutely disgusting. You could have said something like: you have a calm personality and you like peace and like to be casual. You have kind friends who arent underrated. You dont like makeup because you believe that everyone is beautiful. Thank you for taking the test! But instead you call people unattractive and dorky just why. Thanks a lot for making me feel unwanted and dorky.

  • This quiz is completely rigged and noticeably bias. I put in my appearance of medium brown hair and dark brown eyes then proceeded to mention that my persona is weird and geeky, I wear casual clothes, and I have a group of friends who marginally know the popular kids.

    I was rated a 29% which is understandable and I am in no way ticked off by that.

    What irritated me was the fact that when I kept the EXACT same answers, only changing the eyes color to medium blue and hair color to blonde, my apparent 'beauty' went up to 44%.

    What makes the blonde and blue eyed better than the dark haired brown eyed when they have the EXACT same personality? Especially a whole 15% better looking?

    Maybe I'm looking into it too much but it kind of just rubbed me the wrong way. My real self is unattractive according to this quiz, but my blonde self is passable and decent with a nice attitude and casual personality.

  • This quiz is completely rigged and noticeably bias. I put in my appearance of medium brown hair and dark brown eyes then proceeded to mention that my persona is weird and geeky, I wear casual clothes, and I have a group of friends who marginally know the popular kids.

    I was rated a 29% which is understandable and I am in no way ticked off by that.

    What irritated me was the fact that when I kept the EXACT same answers, only changing the eyes color to medium blue and hair color to blonde, my apparent 'beauty' went up to 44%.

    What makes the blonde and blue eyed better than the dark haired brown eyed when they have the EXACT same personality? Especially a whole 15% better looking?

    Maybe I'm looking into it too much but it kind of just rubbed me the wrong way. My real self is unattractive according to this quiz, but my blonde self is passable and decent with a nice attitude and casual personality.

  • F score at 8%.

    I admit I'm not the best looking and I dont pay a lot of attention to how I look however I dont believe where I shop or how much the shoes I wear have much to do with it. Also I didnt recognize most of the stores mentioned. (I live in the United States) Also medium brown is not the same as red and dark blue is not the same as green. Also to tell me my personality is bizarre because of the one question asking how you describe yourself is very quick to judge and plain out rude. I was hoping for a more genuine quiz to a stereotypical let down. Sorry if I hurt your feelings but I am being very honest when I say this quiz gives people the wrong impressions about themselves.

  • Excuse me? Do you think it's ok to judge people and their personalities solely on where they shop and who they're friends with? This is what I got, and though I don't care much about my appearance, I still find it very hurtful:

    (F) Your physical appearance is very low graded. Your style of clothing is poor, your attitude is bizarre, and your appearance is very unattractive.

    I tried again to sound as good-looking, popular, stuck up, and stereotypical as I could, and this is what I got:

    (A+) Your physical appearance is graded perfect! You have rare beauty. Your clothing style is excellent, your attitude is wonderful, and your appearance is unbelievably Gorgeous!

    I really don't think that's fair.

  • It was a pretty good quiz, in my opinion, however a couple of questions were a little flawed. The make-up question especially, because I don't wear make-up and probably never will. Also, I haven't even heard of most of the shops you listed, even less of them are even in my country (New Zealand). Perhaps you could have described the type of shop they are, like "cheap" or "designer", etc. Anyway, aside from the obvious stereotypes (which you stated in the questions, which was great by the way), your quiz is fun and well written. Well done! :)

  • What a foul test. whoever made this probably has a thing for hot tan, blonde, blue-eyed California girls, like holy sheet bru. I consider myself attractive. I have fluffy brown hair, freckled porcelain skin, and hazel eyes. I've been told I could be a model (by previous models!). And yet, I got 14%. I am going to take this quiz again and enter the classic blue eyed blonde chick and see what I get. will update once done.

    • Well tickle me surprised. Guess what I got when I entered the most rich, popular, California blue-eyed blonde ever? 99%!

  • Oof. I got a grade D just because I'm not 'popular' and because I don't have $10,000+ socks. This is ridiculous. I have blonde hair (which apparently is the only attractive hair colour) and still got an extremely low rating because "my style is dorky, my personality is geeky" which means I am very unattractive. The person that made this needs to grow and think about what they're posting.

  • I What kind of a quiz is this? Do you think it's okay to tell people they are ugly because they don't hang out with popular people or they don't wear 1000000000$ clothes? Come on! What's up with all this if you have blond hair, BOOM. Your attractive. Why would you think that blondes are more attractive then the other hair colors? Not all of us are blonde you know! Why is someone not attractive because they hang out with according to your quiz "desperate wannabes"? For once, it's not nice to call someone that, AND, not all popular kids are attractive. What suddenly makes you think that popular people are more attractive than everybody else? Frankly, this quiz makes me sick. It's so nice of you to tell people that they're ugly because they don't have blond hair or don't hang out with popular people or whatever. But this makes me completely sick.

  • Everyone who says this quiz is shallow are just mad they didnt make the grade. stop taking a dumb quiz personally and get over yourself. its one persons opinion, stop being a bunch of panseys. obviously if you dont fit societal norms then you wont score high. GET OVER IT.

    Personally 10/10

    • Ha! I literally just entered the most calinfornia girl look, rich girl acting chick ever, and got 99%. When I entered anything else it was less than 50%!

      "Get over it"

  • You know
    i don't think i could have done better
    but my result was pretty lame.

    basically it said, you are normal normal normal normal normal

    you can't be anymore specific?
    but overall it was a great quiz
    very fast-paced and energetic

    i couldn't answer a few a of the questions for the same reason a Lionheart though

  • wtf I got 20% this quiz is complete BS. Just bc the shirt I'm wearing is from Walmart and I dress. I think this quiz is rated low for a legit reason. Anyways screw this crap quiz and whoever made it bc I bet they're the ones who think they look dorky.

  • Excuse me but what did you just call me? I'm sorry but this quiz sucked. I got a D. What's your obsession with blondes? You do know Hitler was blonde right? You are such a stuck up person and I know you;re just trying to bring down people just for not having OMG $1000000000000000 designer clothes.

  • I got an F, honestly this is very disrespectful because the creator of this quiz doesn't know our origins so I think this is wrong

  • I dont get it. Im not that good looking and all, i get that, but how does not being super rich jave anything to do with attitude? Just because i dont shop at the fancy stores doesnt mean my "attitude is bizarre"!

  • HAHA I love how the popular friends makes your result higher! Whoever made this quiz has a very lonely life indeed!

  • The result you got could have been a mistake, and I can't remember even having included shy with nerdy.

  • How does being shy make me nerdy? This is a very judgmental and stereotypical quiz. Why did you even make it?

  • 1/10 because beauty doesn't have to do with how expensive your makeup or clothes are! Or where they come from. This was totally a poser kind of quiz. :p

  • Being shy has absolutely nothing to do with nerdy. No offense but it's disrespectful to ask why i made it.

  • how old is the person who made this quiz!!!! Come on people! And BTW it's not rude to ask why you made it, especially with such questions

  • This quiz is beyond hurtful. Mindless people.

  • You realize those aren't the only stores on the planet, right?

  • @Lionheart, i agree . I wanted to add more types but i couldn't exactly think of which kinds to add

  • Then why did it say that? And its not disrespectful to ask a question.


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