What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
oh yeah! i got paranoia! stop staring!
kcantu1 -
ADD and almost manic depressive. YES!
WolFox1 -
Of course my autistic psychopathic ADHD ass scored 100% add lol
I dont know if I have manic depressive disorder, but im 27 percent parinoid so that would make sense
maniac depressive... I am never depressed!
seeker071 -
Add ftw, yeah I have it live with it but not diagnosed with it
WTF i do NOT have paranoia
88% Manic Depressive, and other quizzes I took said I'm a maniac killer.....
Apparently, I'm OCD. This is all true.
wyldrain1 -
Hi, i have reading out and i will definitely bookmarrk your site, just wanted to say i liked this article.
alex [no urls]
Alex1 -
Paranoia....so true!!!! Wow, I'm realizing a lot of things about myself today...
Alayne161 -
93% Manic Depressive and 71% ADD. Accurate except I zone out a lot aswell
93% OCD
86% Paranoia
74% GAD
53% Manic Depressive
... Those are reassuring results... -
add, and really, i don't have any mental disorders.... just anger issues ;)
puppals11 -
I'm manic depressive (a lot, very true), ADD (true), paranoid (also true), and a bit of GAD and OCD.... I feel so messed up in the head and all o.o' xP
Vocaloid1 -
OCD. Very accurate. I had OCD very badly, and it's almost gone now.
yep, definately OCD! when I'm doing something, and something doesn't happen right, I feel like I need to spaz XP
Will yous guys stop with the chain letters?
fatii961 -
paranoia. yeah, thats true. I always think people are watching or talking about me. Please dont judge me but what i said.
secret81 -
Paranoia! so true
manic depressing - you know me TOO well
o my god i have o.c.d apperintly lastdaysguy i feel your pain i had autism for the first 12 years of my life and im only 15 but im pretty good now 9still got problems) love all ya'll !!!! :)
meow151 -
ADD yup i knew i had this before i just take a pill and its only half as bad
Jake24681 -
I got ADD yep I get really distracted alot and daydream.