Rebel's Love Story | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Rebel's Love Story.

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  • Good start! I like it so far. =D

    Just a few little comments, if you don't mind: maybe you could take things a little bit slower? The beginning was alright, but towards the end, I wasn't sure what exactly was going on... XD Like when I got "pushed off a ledge." :p

    All in all, I really like it! It's great for your first quiz, and the cliffhanger makes me want MORE. XP Can't wait for part 2!! *pulls in couch and mini-fridge to stake out new quizzes list*

  • Yea I see what you mean about the rushing its just my laptop isn't working right so I tried to get this done as fast as I could, sorry

  • Haha, I completely understand about slow laptops and stuff. Happens all the time to me! XD


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