Rebel's Love Story

So this is my first quiz so if you think it needs some improving tell me._____ you put your name there.ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

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Created by: O-ree

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "____, It's time for school!" Tina yelled from downstairs. Tina is your step-mom and ever since your dad got re-married, he made you move from Baltimore your beloved city to Montana, un-dye your hair so you would fit in, attend some snotty private school, and worst of all you have to act like this isn't all Tina's fault which IT IS! It was her idea to get you to go to a private school just cause your not little miss perfect.
  2. You looked at the clock. 4:30 am, you're suppose to get up at 6. You stomped downstairs. "What time is it?" you asked Tina sleeply. "4:30-I MEAN 6!" she said nervously smiling. "I wasn't born yesterday, why did you wake me up this early?!?!? What is wrong with you???" you almost yelled, you take your sleep seriously. Tina looked like she was about to cry but you know she's only faking it to get sympathy. You went upstars and took the longest shower ever, you're not paying the bill they are.
  3. You put on some clothes, ate breakfest, then fell asleep. At 7:05 your older brother,Jared woke you up and drove you to school. When you arrived you went behind it looking for your best friend, Justin and as usual there was a bunch of frilly girly girls crowding him. Justin has short spiked brown hair with brown eyes that seem to sparkle when he sees you happy. "Alright ladies, I have to go." He said walking past them and putting his arm around you. As he did, all of his fangirls groaned and mumble.
  4. "What's up with you Lil' Rain?" He asked you. Justin calls you Lil' Rain cause before your dad made you un-dye your hair, the tips of your hair was multicolored(rain short for rainbow) and cause you're shorter than him. "Nothing much, how 'bout you JB?" "Just cause we share the same name doesn't mean I'm ANYTHING like Justin Bieber." "Suuuurrrrrrre."
  5. *Skip to Lunch* "Hey_____," said Alan. Alan is not your average nerd, he has short dark brown swaying hair, a lip ring, and eyebrow ring.He's like an edgy nerd. He short of has a crush on you but he's really shy. "So where is your boyfriend?" he asked jokingly meaning Justin. You rolled your eyes and punched his arm. he smiled showing his cute dimples. Just then Dean, the popular football player came over to your table. He gasped, "I wonder what Justin will say when he finds out you're cheating on him?" "I don't even go out with him loser," you say rolling your eyes. Dean has blonde hair and is always wearing his jersey shirt even though football season is over.
  6. In last period the teacher re-assigned chemistry partners. At first you and Justin were partners but since you two were always talking she changed everyone up. Now Justin is stuck with one of his fangirls and your stuck with Aiden. Aiden is the WORST person to be partnered up with. He's conceited, selfish, and is ALWAYS trying to flirt with you. He has black hair that covers his forehead. He has piercings, tattos, and if you ever disagree with him he hits you with his skateboard. So you had to sit there listening to him say, "I know why we're partners cause baby we got good chemistry," or "Every super hero has a weakness and you not here with me is mine."
  7. After school you look around for Justin so he can drive you home but he's no where to be found. Soon it starts to fog and you start to get scared. When all of a sudden you hear, "Wanna see something cool," someone pushes you off the ledge you were sitting on and you think you're about to die so you close your eyes and await your death......
  8. You feel someone holding you. You gulp, open your eyes to see it's Aiden. He puts you down and just stares at you with a sexy look in his eyes. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?" you yell breaking the silince. He shhs you and pulls you close you. So close he's about to kiss you when........
  9. CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Rate,Comemt, watever

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