What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
I apologize for those wierd typos in my posted comment. I was not aware of them until I saw them on the screen. Really, I don't usually type so poorly. Must be the late hour.
rosehill1 -
I'm from New Orleans - quiz pegged as 100% Philadelphian. But I guess that may be more accurate than "The South", since New Orleanians do not have the typical southern drawl.
cla1 -
I lived in Philly till I was 12. I now live in central Florida which is considered to have no accent generally. I got Philly on the quiz though so I'd say that's pretty impressive
The quiz was right on the money in my case. It said "Northeast" and I grew up in the suburban NYC area. I've lived abroad for over 20 years now, but I imagine my English still sounds the same.
puglady1 -
You blew it! Said I have a Midlands accent, but I was born and raised right here in Los Angeles, California. What does a Western accent sound like then? (And don't tell me "like a coyboy!")
deener1 -
The South? Umm. . . no. Actually it's a Lancaster County, PA accent. They probably would have gotten if if they asked if "Don" and "Done" rhyme or if "Doris" contains one or two syllables.
Well this sure didn't work for me. I was born in London, England and moved to Los Angeles, California when I was 6yrs old and this has me from the "inland North" I don't think so.
Phaedra1 -
You blew me away. I grew up in Boston, but I lived in Virginia, Los Angeles and now reside in Idaho. But I've been to 20 countries and at least 25 states. How did you nail down Boston. I have'nt lived there in 50 years.
kojak1 -
This is exactly correct. I am from Michigan. Born and raised. When I was stationed in Ft. Bragg, NC I tried to speak with a souther drawl, and the guy at the gas station asked me if I was from New York!
I am from the south and talk like I am from the south. Just because I know how to pronounce works correctly does not make me sound like I am from the north. You need to refine your questions. No one wants to be told they talk like a hick,.
foxhall1 -
Mine said I was from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, or Rhode Island. Really? I live in Texas now but, grew up all over the country. Hence I am told that I have no accent.
cleandra1 -
Yup--I am a proud Philadelphian. Although I have lived in Silver Spring, MD for almost 9 years, I still consider myself a Pennsylvanian, and more specifically, a Philadelphian. That is one great city!!
Hahaha!! The quiz says I am from Philadelphia or The Inland North - I have never been to either place. I am from New Zealand and have lived in Florida for 6 years. Good for a laugh!
eileenb1 -
I have been to Philly three times in my life. Raised in Micronesia and Philippines, lived 37 years in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Pacific. Inland north?
Fun but inaccurate for me as well. I answered the questions thoughtfully and it determined mine was from around Philadelphia. I was born and raised in upstate South Carolina.
one more thing... though it used to earn many teases as an accent to be shunned... i found myself happy once i heard my dear husband , at the time, insist i check the awl or all with my car and never did realize quick enough he meant to check the OIL! So there! :)))
clairebf1 -
My goodness!i had hoped by now to lose most all of my NATIVE PHILDAELPHIAN accent, and also have lived in many places in the USA and overseas... I spent 21 years in my native city and at 80.... well , there y'are!
This is really a very accurate "diagnosis" as i see it.
clairebf1 -
I was born in New Jersey but raised in Pa....my dad is from the southern end of Virginia but most people will assume I'm from the south because I picked up on his accent, especially when I'm mad!!
Jenne851 -
That actually makes sense. Boston is number two, eh? Well, ready for this? I'm Boston, baby. Believe it or not, I sound much more south than I do Bostonian or Western.
Davis3131 -
the other good example is the chain letter comments.
Normal ly i don't take the time to ever comment on anything online or read others for that matter because it invoke feelings like this, but I couldn't resist this time. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE IDIOTS, YOUR REALLY GONNA NEED IT.
Good point MrMoto about the soda thing lots of people call it pop. I do both without thinking about it. There is also wash being said worsh and people say root like rut which I do and actually like better.
I'm not even a native English speaker and I got inland north. For me, all these words in the quiz sound differently. How can anyone pronounce them the same way?
Sanja1 -
Kantuno, snookums-i sure wish that I could get into a good collage. Art IS my thing, but I'd be all pasty and /or glu-ey. On the other hand, I went to Columbia University in NY which is a pretty pre-tt-y good college.
That's COLLEGE dumb one. Learn to spel.
HA!herb11 -
I'll join the STN. I have an average north central accent, does that count as boston? Thats what I got, but people tell me that I'm average. I have a hint of an cicilian and irish accent, and also a tennesee and north central accent. So my mouth is a mutt.
Funny but this quiz says my accent is "Midland" and the part that is funny is I'm a California girl (born, raised and still living in California (San Diego).