What type of Donut are you?! | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What type of Donut are you?!
Your Result: Jelly Donut
If you are a jelly donut then that means you are shy, but sweet on the inside. You are the type of person to help others and have a nice time. You are also very caring of others, and like to give your friends a hand when they need it.
Awwwww but I like chocolate doughnuts way more :'(...Rescue Panther!
Your Result: Chocolate Donut
If you are a chocolate donut then you are very funny. You are the one to make those hilarious joke and be the class clown. You also like to follow the crowd but sometimes go off in your way at times.
Aw, Chocolate donuts aren't even my favorite! I prefer Chocolate Glazed from Krispy Kreme! :D
pie, bacon, ice cream, doughnuts, brownies, cookies, Cody Simpson, bacon, pie, ice cream, and brownies thats all the stuff i'm hungry for now
I got a sprinkle donut!
I got sprinkled, chocolate doughnut all the way!!!!! haha fun quiz :)
I got sprinkled donut! Yea they are AWESOME!!!
flyer5861 -
Thanks! I am trying to get 150 views
nice quiz! I gort glazed doughnut :)
nice quiz! I gort glazed doughnut
i got glazed dounut xx
carolann1 -
yay! i got jelly! i LUV jelly!
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