Do People Think You Are Attractive? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do People Think You Are Attractive?
Not to be mean but I am beautiful. I don't mean drop dead gorgeous or sexy. I am pretty and beautiful not somewhat. What does somewhat mean? Anyhow I wear clothes I like not brand names. I don't wear pounds of makeup. I only wear blue mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow. You people reading this may think I am a priss or something but I don't care what others think. My boyfriend was cheating on me with this bimbo and dumped me and then made out with her right in front of me so I needed reassuring but now I feel worse. I have straight brown hair and I sometimes curl it. I don't care if you think I am beautiful or pretty thank you. Don't call me sexy. I have blue eyes. I am probably not really mad I just am in a bad mood so forgive me I suppose but whatever.
Your Result: Yes.
People think you are beautiful! They wish they looked like you. You have style and great looks! True beauty! Keep doing what you do. But don't get to full of yourself.
I totally don't agree with that. Fine, so maybe I'm kinda pretty, but truly beautiful? I don't think so, but who knows what others think? I have golden brown hair and brown eyes, I try to wear black and white clothes, you know, colors that doesn't drag so much attention, and I use almost a lot eyeliner. Truly beauty? Nope.
I got yes:D Imma brunette but my hair is all differen shades of blonde and brown (naturally I've never dyed my hair) and my eyes are blue but half of the right one is brown;) I'm short and slim and kinda muscular cuz I stretch alot:) good quiz 10/10 and FYI I looooovvvvve my eyes XD
Your Result: Model material!
You are like a model! hey why not get paid for them looks! Your stunning. But sometimes you agree with that too much. Be beautiful on the inside too!.
Your Result: Yes.
People think you are beautiful! They wish they looked like you. You have style and great looks! True beauty! Keep doing what you do. But don't get to full of yourself.
Thanks ! Cool quiz. 10/10
Your Result: Yes.
People think you are beautiful! They wish they looked like you. You have style and great looks! True beauty! Keep doing what you do. But don't get to full of yourself
i got:yes!
I have really pretty hazel eyes(says the girls :D).Medium ash blonde with tint of blonde at the corners or y hair(100% natural) and im pretty mucular(6 pack mucsulal).and im a good kisser and verrry romantic
Yes? Lol ya right! Evry ones pretty. Who cares what u look like its the inside that counts! natstar you soud beautiful. You look the exact same as me!(by ur description) but i dyed my hair black.
I got YES!! I have red hair with some very light orangeish streaks (all naturall!) with hazle eyes everyone says theyre beatiful i thry to look good but not too hard! Thank you this is a big self booster!!
Somewhat. Great.
not him1 -
I got; yes! Well...I got light green eyes with a ring of gold, bronze hair with golden and blonde edges. And slim but muscular,.....SWEET I'M BEAUTIFUL ^_~
I'm somewhat pretty haha pretty good quiz:)
Well that was a nice confidence booster, nine stars :)
Kinda? Okay then . . .
I got yes, but I wouldn't care what I would get because i'm glad the way I am.
\KaliaRox1 -
90% ?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!? If I had a way to confirm this and it was true it would be the most shocking news I have ever recieved
yes! thank you! i got yes and i'm happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love myself and everyone else thank you!
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