Brain Hemisphere | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Brain Hemisphere.
its bloody awesome!
OMG u are so good those r all of the things tht I do or r apart of my personality!!
Right Brain! Yeah buddy! c(;
Rightbrained uses left hand, left brained uses right? What if you're ambedextrious?
got right brain... and i'm going to make sure my next partner would be a left-brain so that i could ace my grades
MCD111 -
83% left brain, oh yeah! (Even though I'm creative, I'm prouder of my intellect).
76% right brain
76% left brainIt said right brain hemisphere. HOW DO YOU CHOOSE FROM THAT?
I got Right Brained. Good quiz. There are a lot of old GTQ users on here.
madid1 -
i LOVE this quiz. it seems interesting to me.
vogue1 -
82% Left?... Makes sense!
cxxccxxc1 -
87% right brain.
Right, woo!
right brained, 0 left brained. oh yeah, that's right. :)
Right brained-- true true :) good quiz!!
flyer5861 -
fatii96: Who cares? Just use your personality for the best!
Marmota1 -
97% left brain
93% left brained
Great! :)Jorgegu1 -
50/50, I guess my brain couldn't make up its mind.
83% right hemisphere
Right brain...not at all left brain
Just 80% right hemesphere brain
im left brained is that good for a girl?
fatii961 -
76% Right Brain Hemisphere
76% Left Brain Hemisphere
how am i both -
76% Right and 76% Left.... Ok..... Do I use both the same????
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