What is your hair color? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your hair color?

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  • Your Result: You have Black Hair
    You are possibly asian. If not, you
    are strong-minded and are very
    opinionated. Most likely you are a
    girl or woman. You are short or thin
    or both, and you are single.
    You have Brown Hair
    You have Blonde Hair
    this quiz is 100% accurate!!
    I am azn. Filipina to be exact.

    I am short but jst kinda chunky on my legs but still, im pretty skinny. And i am single. And of course ima girl, and i am very strong minded! Great quiz! 10 stars!

  • errrrrrr!!! wrong!!!! my hair is not black. in the discription it said im opinionated, a girl, I'm short, and I'm single all those are right. I've never dyed my hair before, but I don't know exactly what color it is. it's kind of a brownish blondish color and in the winter it's mostly light brownish and in the summer it's more of a light brownish mixed with light dirty blonde and dark blond and I dunno ok bye good quiz [c:

  • Your Result: You have Black Hair

    You are possibly asian. If not, you are strong-minded and are very opinionated. Most likely you are a girl or woman. You are short or thin or both, and you are single.

    - I'm Asian. Correct! √ (Although I'm not like Chinese/Japanese, but I'm born in a country in Asia, so yah)

    - I do have black hair! √ ^.^
    - Very true, I am a girl. √

    - I am short or thin? Nope, I'm neither, I'm tall and average wieght. x

    - I'm single? Yes! √

    So in my case, this was very accurate. 10/10. =)

    I like music
  • You have Black Hair

    You are possibly asian. If not, you are strong-minded and are very opinionated. Most likely you are a girl or woman. You are short or thin or both, and you are single.

    It is true except the asian and Black heared part.

    Genius girl
  • Wow... I got my hair color AND my real life personality? Great job!!!

  • I got black. I wish. i have blond hair and im a tomboy. quiz was accurate i am strongwilled and opionated. i am single (and always will be) but im not asian.

  • Damn, you're right! I got black hair AND I'm Asian!

  • Haha Brown Hair (: This is a cute quiz!

  • SO stereotypical. I get straight A's and I'm a blondie!

  • I got brown hair. I wish! I have redish blond hair. Great quiz! I WANT BROWN HAIR! Hahaha!

  • me hair ain't blackk :D


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