What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
mine say im from the south and i really am that kinda freaky
shania m1 -
I live in canada! We don't live in igloos. Nor do we say "aboot" instead of about
lol....I am Indian
lol....I am Indian
Midland. From Las Vegas, Nevada.
it says I might be from Atlanta. CORRECT!
Thats odd... I got inland North when I was born in California... O.o Hrm, oh well then. Good quiz and thanks for making it! :3
Hehe. Don't forget the Minnisotan accent. It's funny!
NeonNerd1 -
Ahaha, I live in Boston, have my whole life, and have no accent. How funny. (:
cac9531 -
i getit so intresting ..and bye the way i am from Nepal ..and i want to improve my american assent..i think it has motivated to improve my american assent
sulav1 -
It says midland for me. Even though I live in New York(just New York, not NYC)
rinabear1 -
Not even close...I'm from Johnstown, PA and it says/thinks I'm from The West or Southern CA...
jcs1 -
OK, i just changed my accent overnight???? because now "I'm from" the West.
i don't get it. eww
Luana1 -
it said i'm from the midwest, but i'm from MA. not boston. and i have yet 2 actually hear a bostonian have a boston accent. i think it could be soda or pop. i actually say soda pop. w/e :)
That's wicked pissah, that is.
Mainiac1 -
Right on, dude!!
nobody11 -
So wrong! I have a British acceint 'cause my gramgram is from Britain
I'm from SoCal and it said I have a northern accent. go fig.
you1 -
I got North Central, but I was born and grew up in Florida....weird
southern accents sound so stupid...long drawn out words..nasally...ex. office is not oufece...day is not die....haul is not howl...U SOUND DUMB
annoyed1 -
completely innaccurate. Do you even know what the different accents are? apparenly not. i am from NE and got that as my last one
That Quiz Was Rubbish Sorry Only Telling The Truth Lolz
X x X xLozze1 -
I come from South Boston and you hit it right on.....
Southie1 -
it says im from Minnesota,but thats my mom. I am from Wyoming not Minnesota
wyogirl1 -
Missed my clear NY accent-Oh well...