Growing up a Skywing

in this quiz you are taking a test to see what kind of Skywing queen you would be. you must answer honestly to get nice, strong, or in between queen..

the nice queen is a happy dragon who makes other happy by her presence, the in between queen is strong but prefers to eat and sleep than fight. and the strong queen is strong.

Created by: Menchie Freckles
  1. a couple moons after you hatch your mother the queen sends you to jade mountain academy.
  2. your roommates see you small stature and say you are adorable, but don't try to be rude
  3. C:
  4. in gym you need to train how to fight you can choose your best friend or a stranger
  5. would you be queen if you could be?
  6. you get offered a job at jade mountain academy
  7. (answer only if you work here) one of your students is really difficult and they make you frustrated.
  8. war is creeping up on your borders what do you do?
  9. you lived a good life true or false
  10. last question!

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