greek and roman myths and legends

i think that anyone can conquer this quiz you just have to have the passion and skill to motiate you through it and anyone with haf a brain cell can do this i think good luck

does anyone have the power and knowledge to beat this quiz if they do and if you don't die of exhaustion in the few minutes then you are incredible

Created by: ben grenier
  1. who is the king of the gods
  2. who was the god of the pit
  3. who was the oldest of the olympian gods
  4. who was the king of the giants
  5. who was the goddess of snow
  6. who was the eldest of the giants
  7. who was the titan of the east
  8. who was the god of death
  9. who was the god of nature
  10. who was the goddess of victory
  11. who was the giant clytius born to oppose
  12. who was the god of sleep
  13. what was the river that washes away memories
  14. where did heroes go when they died
  15. who was the mother of day,hemera
  16. who were the 100, hand rock throwing, clay bodied monsters called
  17. what was the name of the island that stranded calypso
  18. from whose body did the winged horse pegasus spring
  19. who was eris the goddess of:
  20. who was the god of vegetation

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