Are you a greek or roman demigod?

This quiz is a quiz for those who are wondering if they are a Greek or roman demigod. It is also just for fun and to just see if you truly are Greek or roman.

If you think that you know if you are Greek or roman. Take this quiz to see if you are right. It dose include you to do some research on mythology. Just joking as long as you know mythical gods then you should be good.

Created by: Herobrine
  1. Who is the god of war?
  2. Who is the god of the sea?
  3. Do you prefer to fight and Trian by your self or with a group?
  4. Do you like stabbing or slicing?
  5. Who is the god of the sky?
  6. Sofas or chairs?
  7. Your friend is mortally wounded. What do you use?
  8. Bacon or pickles?
  9. Pick a camp.
  10. If you had a choice, which would you be.

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Quiz topic: Am I a greek or roman demigod?