good cool fun quiz

hello my name is Dalton today you should do my quiz cuz I worked hard on this quiz and you guys should also make quizes for me to do when I hve free time at home

so do not ever shut up you freakingb---- ass as tis quizis the best quiz in the entire world if you dont take this quiz youre kinda susy bakkak bakakka

Created by: Dalton
  1. 1357+122
  2. 45x2
  3. 50x50
  4. 5+6
  5. is °°a number
  6. w+h+a+t
  7. do you like this quiz
  8. 1+1
  9. are you gay
  10. more quastions
  11. emotional damage
  12. haiya
  13. do you lie to pose vidios?
  14. 5do

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