good boyfriend

There are genius people out ther but you canbe a genius too figure out what you do good at and try to improve you knowledge on it and try to be better at it.

well anyone can be a genius like i said find what you good at and try to be better at it.After all not everybody is not good at the same thingfor exmaple i might be good at school and someone else might be good at detailing cars.

Created by: desh0816

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If someone insults your girlfriend what do you do?
  2. Your girl says she's hungry
  3. Your friend says your girlfriend is cheating on you?
  4. your girl is crying
  5. your girl and her friend are mad at each other
  6. your girl is mad at you for not answering her call
  7. your girl grades are bad
  8. your girlfriend has a fever
  9. your girlfriend is gounded
  10. you kiss another girl
  11. your girl slaps you for kissing another girl

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