if I could date u would i?(guys only)

Do you have what it takes to be my Boyfriend? take my little quiz to Find out. Would you buy me stuffed animals when I want?You'd better or Else.;)yes

Would you be a good boyfriend.Or Would you suck?take my freaking Quiz to find out.:) err sorry.bit Pushy today.Crabby.:( any way take My quiz now!!!Now!

Created by: Amethyst Davin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What is your favorite food
  3. Are you racist?
  4. Do you already have a girlfriend?
  5. Do you watch little girl shows?I Do.
  6. Would you buy me stuffed animals?
  7. Will you swear not watch blood and Gore in front of me?
  8. Would you really want to date me.
  9. Hair?
  10. How long is your hair?
  11. How often do you cuss?
  12. Do you like brown hair girls ,glasses and braces?

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