Godly Orphanage for the unwanted

Welcome to Godly Orphanage for the Unwanted. Let me show you around. You open the black and gold door and step in to a cold chill. If you go forward you are in the kitchen and coming off the kitchen is Hera's quarters, better not go in there. If you take the stairs, your new friends are waiting for you in the right hand room, the dormitory, and on the left hand side is the loo.

Now let's meet the staff. There is Hera, the horrible orphanage owner, and standing next to her is her husband,Zeus, the tutor. Over there Hades, the club organiser, is talking to Posidon, the swim teacher. Hestia, the house keeper is over by the hearth and Demeter, the chef, is walking over here right now because you stole her spatula. I'm leaving. *gulps and runs off*

Created by: Dazzleberry
  1. You were peacefully living with your parents when you heard a loud noise across town. You rushed outside to see what was happening where you noticed a bomb had gone off. You raced back to your house and told your parents and you all began packing . You reached for all your favourite books, toys, games and all the other activities you loved and your parents told you to wait by your favourite shop for them. After an hour or so you head a bomb go off. You thought that your parents must have gone somewhere else but you ran off to see where the bomb had landed. You realised it had landed on your house and your parents had still been inside packing. You lived on the streets for a year before an orphanage took you in.
  2. When you first arrive you...
  3. Hera is not happy with you because you...
  4. What is your bed number
  5. Are you...
  6. What is the pet you used to own? Btw thanks to my friend Faz 4 dat question
  7. What is your most powerful colour?
  8. What is your favourite season?
  9. What is your favourite sport? Thanks to my brother(cringe) poodle and for that question. He chose that name. He's 9.
  10. What does this say? ziuq siht devol I

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