Glory from wings of fire parents you

Glory is you mom today have fun but be careful of your butt! Bye! I have to have 300 characters so I am just going to type random stuff. Tfffvgfvgfcrfghg

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Created by: UnicornKitten
  1. Glory wakes you up what do you do?
  2. Breakfast! What do you eat?
  3. Venom training!
  4. Suntime!
  5. You trip onto glory’s desk and spill ink on all her scrolls so she takes away suntime! What do you do?
  6. If you did choose “Take responsibility and apologize truthfully” choose skip on this one: Glory gets mad and swipes at your butt. What do you do?
  7. If you chose “throw a fit” choose skip on this one: glory gives you extra suntime for being responsible! What do you do?
  8. Glory checks you for pee
  9. Your age
  10. Gender
  11. Do you like this quiz?

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