FunGamePart One

So, this is a okay quiz for all ages to take. But it end ended weirdly. Sorry, the boy version i have not made yet. I 'LL PLAN TO MAKE IT SOON. Part 2 will also no be out yet but i'll try to make it quick.

(This is a girl version) Hello there! Do you ant to take a fun game quiz where you can decide what you want to do. Like the sims, but in a quiz! sorry is you don't think its as fun as i do!

Created by: QuizziesVsFizzes
  1. You Wake Up to go to School. What do you do? (girl version)
  2. You're on the bus. Where do you sit?
  3. Okay so, you sit with some nerds (don't worry i'm doing all of them) and they tell you some math. Boring. (remember, your a girl) and them on of them says,"wanna go to that movie, The life of a Frog?" What do you say? (if you didn't pick this, click the last possible answer)
  4. You're Talking with the cool kids and one of them tells you about a party, what do you say? (again, if you didn't pick this one, click the last one.)
  5. You're sitting with your friends, and they ask if you want to go to the spa tonight. What do you do? (if ya didn't pickit, click da last one.)
  6. your are sitting alone and you get off the bus, and you forget you're make up. YOU'RE MAKE UP!!! How to you react?
  7. It's your first class. Science. And then, you hear your name being called to the office. How do you react?
  8. You're on your way to the office, and you get distracted by...
  9. You get banged on the head with a poll. What do you do?
  10. your in the principal office and in his hand holds... your make up!END OF PART ONE.

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