what superpower would you have

ever wonder what super power you would have? well your in luck me and my sister made this quiz just for you it was really fun to make and we are planning to make another one but not about superpowers

in this quiz you will find mostly personality questions but they will reflect what super power suits you best i really hope this quiz is fun for people of all ages INJOY!!!!!

Created by: rowan yakamoto
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. today was your first soccer game of the year but it started to rain and mom dosent want you to go out you?
  2. its the weekend and you want to
  3. you are helping out at the local community center and you get to pick what you want to help with you?
  4. now we will ask different questions how do you feel with a sudden question change?
  5. what is your favorite color?
  6. who is your favorite superhero
  7. who is your favorite villan
  8. if your house caught on fire and all your family and pets are safe outside what would you grab?
  9. what movie/show/other. would you watch?
  10. the quiz is over how did you like it?

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