have you ever taken a food test do you wonder I don't know anything about the world well this the first part a food test take it see if you do much about are world

are you wondering ever if you know much about food take this quiz challenge yourself to the "FUN FOOD TEST" take it pretty please it would do me a favour

Created by: SOPHIA!!!
  1. lets start with an easy question... what category does pasta go in
  2. what country does sausages come from
  3. which one of these is not healthy
  4. which one of these are not Chinese food
  5. which one of these is for breakfast
  6. what ingredient is important in a cake
  7. which one of these animals are used to make ham
  8. which one of these can you not have in salad
  9. which one of these can you not eat in a sandwich
  10. meat comes from a dog
  11. what can you not have on ice cream
  12. which one of these do cats eat

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