What food are you?

We all eat, if we didn't we wouldn't function. Some people believe you are what you eat. Like if you eat takeaway, they say you are cheap, fast and easy. Or if you are a meal from a restaurant you are small, expensive and smart.

What do you eat? Are you like the food that you eat? Are you an lemon - sour, but can be refreshing. Or are you ice - cold and hard. Take this quiz and find out.

Created by: nicole

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you forgot your friends birthday what would you do?
  2. Your motto would be:
  3. What do you normally wear?
  4. People describe you as...
  5. The best thing you could do is...
  6. What is your hobby?
  7. Your favourite animal is...
  8. The worst thing that you could do is...
  9. Your friends are...
  10. It's a Sunday morning and it is raining you...
  11. You can't live without...
  12. Your best subject was...

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Quiz topic: What food am I?