From which Pyrrhian dragon tribe are you from? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz From which Pyrrhian dragon tribe are you from?
our Result: SkyWings 74%
Congratulations, quiz-taker! You are a SkyWing! You can breathe fire and you have enormous wings. Your enormous wings enable you to fly swiftly and effortlessly! You are red, orange, or golden.
41% RainWings
31% SeaWings
28% IceWings
28% SandWings
20% MudWings
5% NightWings-
Ya see this is why my profile name is AstridTheSkywing
Your Result: SeaWings 79%
Congratulations! You're a SeaWing! You can breathe underwater (and above water, too!) and you are an excellent swimmer. You are aquamarine, blue, or green.
71% IceWings
52% SandWings
52% RainWings
7% NightWings
5% SkyWings
0% MudWings-
lol i got seawing, but icewings have always been my favourite
Don't get me wrong- I love Rainwings, I'm just shocked I got Rainwing as my personality. I'm least like Mudwings (28%), Nightwings(7%), and Skywings(3%), which makes sense. Although I've never gotten Rainwing XD Usually I always get Sandwing or Seawing. Whatevs, Rainwings are cool B)
From which Pyrrhian dragon tribe are you from?
Your Result: SkyWings 62%
Congratulations, quiz-taker! You are a SkyWing! You can breathe fire and you have enormous wings. Your enormous wings enable you to fly swiftly and effortlessly! You are red, orange, or golden.
60% MudWings
46% RainWings
38% SeaWings
38% NightWings
28% IceWings 0%skywing again, like i said, im a (lemme just say this, im not peacemaker...i hate peacemaker .-.) rainwing nighwing hybrid! (can change color scales and can read minds, shy, short tempered, can sometimes be kind if she had the time too, not that smart, small, scared of everything, worries a lot, pretty much me tbh-) just....why skywing again? if you like skywings im sorry but i just hate them- most of them are very uhm- murderisy? and.. it may seem like i want to fight everyone i see but... if i was a dragon and i got in a fight i dont know if i could attack the other dragon, yes i can fight with words... but with talons and teeth? thats just- no just... the imaging what it would feel like dragging your talons across scales... i would think it would feel scratching a glass plate...i just cant think about it.... and the blood.... i get weird around blood...
heck that was longer then i intended- well most thing are i guess this is already longer then i thought it would be...oh tabs almost dead .-. guess thats good otherwise this would be about 10 paragraphs and i dont think anyone would want to read that-
I kept getting SeaWings no matter what I did but I'm a SandWing/RainWing hybrid so I'm not sure *eyes go glittery when saying "hybrid'* *stretches out wings to admire them*
Seawing, I do like to swim alot and I also enjoy being adventurous/thrill seeking as well. Being able to breathe underwater would be awesome. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife1 -
I got Seawings even though I'm an Icewing\Nightwing hybrid I still like Seawings. *sees Thoughtful the Nightwing* *her eyes go glittery*
Whitout1 -
i was confused on this come until i read darkstalkers book xd at first i didnt even know whiteout existed-
EchoSong1 -
comment* autocorrect TwT
*wakes up 2 hours later blinking* oh you got Rainwings? cool *faints again when she sees Thoughtful standing right over her*
Whitout1 -
YOU ARE ADORBS btw I got Rainwing
Somehow nightwing 100% although i feel like i am a night wing
Wcr021 -
hm, i got skywing, i dont feel like i relate to a skywing at all, out of all the tribes there my least favorite, im more of a rainwing nightwing mix
EchoSong1 -
I got sandwing...I think im more of a nightwing...
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