
okay so i'm really trying to become a no vice for some reason so i made this quiz because i was bored and i really have nothing better to do and for some reason it took me a good 2 hours to make this lousy quiz

never mind i remember why i wanna be a novice its because then i can have a badass profile picture i would have been one a long time ago but no one really does my polls

Created by: yukii
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  1. gender?
  2. age?
  3. hobbies?
  4. zodiac sign
  5. zodiac sign (if yours wasnt on question 4)
  6. personality?
  7. height (doesn't really matter i'm just running out of questions)
  8. how did you like the quiz
  9. i forgot i had to have 10 questions
  10. lululemon is my official thread so if you wanna talk the go on the lounge forum

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