Friendship Quiz

You have a friend. Everyone has friends. But, sometimes friends don't really work out. Like, sometimes, you don't know if he/she is still your friend.

Hey, how is your friendship? Is it good, bad, or okay? Well, just in a few minutes you will find out your results. . .

Created by: Ada
  1. How much do you guys hang out?
  2. When was the last time you guys argued/fought?
  3. Does she/he keep your secrets?
  4. If she/he moves, how will you guys keep in touch?
  5. Does she/he force you to be his/her friend.
  6. Do you guys have fights a lot.
  7. Do you keep his/her secrets?
  8. The teacher assigns you to a project with them. What does she/he react?
  9. Do you think you guys are friends?
  10. If you get a new friend, how does she/he act?

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