How Well Does your Friend Know About You?

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Do you wonder if your friend knows about you? Ask your friend to take this quiz with you, but different surfaces and check your results together. See how each of you are special!

Your Friends should be the best person who could tell your feelings too. Friends are known to care more for their friends more than someone who don't know you.

Created by: Rachel-Ann of Magic of Friendship Grows
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you share your secrets
  2. Do you and your friend share a lot in common?
  3. Bonus Question, Do you look up to your friend for advice or when you are having a bad day?
  4. When you think you are a criminal in thoughts, does your friend help you understand that you're special?
  5. How often do you and your friend talk?
  6. Does your friend and you talk about your hobbies
  7. Does you and your friend enjoy each other times?
  8. Is your friend crazy for you?
  9. How many times do you think the same thing?
  10. Is your best friend1. Guys, your dream girl2. Girls, your dream guy?Please no gays or lesbians.

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Quiz topic: How Well Does my Friend Know About You?
