FPCB Faction Quiz

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Saw the PCB party quiz thing by Dualplay, it seemed cool and I found it funny, cool and ironically kinda sad (2hujerkers should not be divided :broken_heart: ) that they have a Gensokyo party.

FPCB does not follow a democratic system and there has never been an election and Im sure there will never be, however as it is with managing anything there is other ways to influence it, and therefore ive made a quiz for the interest groups/ factions of FPCB.

Created by: Gluebert Gluekowski
  1. Who should the power of policy and moderation mainly lie with?
  2. Should there be reconciliation with the opps wiki?
  3. Why has reconciliation not been possible yet?
  4. Is the slur filter necessary?
  5. Wiki or Discord (which do you use more / prefer )
  6. Is banning ok?
  7. Is Touhou peak?
  8. Is there neccesity for any major reform?
  9. Was there ever really a necessity for #low-effort-polls and #polling-guidelines
  10. Is it a good thing that the Head of Security withholds information?
  11. Is PCB-FPCB still one community split or two communities claiming ownership over one another
  12. Skibidi toilet?
  13. What level of moderation is acceptable?
  14. I participate with the opps wiki and its users in any way.

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