Thread Topic: Yo
any of y'all play Splatoon? I main the trip stinger its hard at times but I hate paintbrush users bro
tri* stinger
i only ever enjoyed the youtubers playing it but i swear if i get a switch or compatible device i'm downloading it. the paint roller seems fun
I main the foil flingza roller. I use to be a paintbrush main on the second game tho.
My mains consist of the foil flingza roller and heavy splattling. I really wanted to love the tri stinger when I saw it on the game preview but it’s super hard to use and I hate it 😂 -
its the only one that challenges me. also YOU MAIN THE FLINGZA ROLLER?! those are like the worse players to deal with man cuz there so good 😭
Lmao you think so? 😂 even worse than brushes and blasters?!
Yes man rollers are the baine of my existence.
Well let’s hope we don’t clash in games 😤
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