Animal crossing
Thread Topic: Animal crossing
My island is far from complete, and I’m running low on ideas, so if you play Animal Crossing: New Horizons, feel free to pop down your dream address or talk about the game
This is my dream address (my island is called Europhoeia):
DA-0984-6643-0135 -
Imma just pull all my acnh related stuffs here like vids and theories etc
My island looks so pretty with snow omg
The beach looks so goofy tho why is the sand immune to snow -
Treasure islands are the best I’m rich now
Self reminder go to pookieland in the dream thing when you’re bored
I need Pietro on my island
Acnh is deffo my temporary game obsession rn but who cares it’ll pass in like a month
I just need to get the ugly penguin guy to move out I’ve been ignoring him since he came and he’s s t i l l here
I kinda wanna move out Sheldon too but my sister loves him -
My sister is absolutely bullying Hopper (the ugly penguin guy) I’m dying
I’ll probably find pietro with 30 nook mile tickets right
Hopper is s t i l l here -
The mardi gras area wasn’t really fitting with the theme of the island so I’m making a little mad hatter space thing
I’m honestly happy with the island I chose but resident services is so close to the airport ughh
I wanna add a lil circus area too to maybe decorate around where I want Pietro’s house to be -
I need to move folklore lane and find a better way to indicate it’s folklore lane
I wanna move the houses so there’s more room for yards -
Gifting my guy villagers dresses because my island isn’t sexist
I might start giving Eugene just dresses from now on he looks fabulous omg
Timothy and Tomothy are so cute
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