Animal crossing
Thread Topic: Animal crossing
I love how nobody gives a f--- about Gulliver being passed out on the beach
Like nah it’s just a dead body I won’t call the ambulance or anything
I saw Patty walking around the beach where Gulliver was d y i n g and she looked at him and walked away I feel like Patty has seen things
Also Hopper needs to get tf off my island good god -
When I got acnh I made my birthday Jan 1st bc I didn’t think it would make a difference but now every new year I get to celebrate my birthday in acnh xD
I stopped hating Eugene the moment he gave me that top hat. That koala has my heart
I love my island. It’s very nice. Nowhere near done but I love it
So uh I brought Phoebe to the Paradise Planning island
She wants “a place to fan the flames” for a vacation phone
Phoebe, one of my starter villagers, who is definitely a butch lesbian, wants me to make her vacation home hell. I’m crying -
as a vacation home*
I didn’t think Phoebe would be the type to commit arson but okay bestie you do you
I put bonfires everywhere mwahaha
Phoebe is so unhinged I love her -
I’m screaming there’s Chester in animal crossing
He’s a panda I want him omg -
Ugh he’s not on any of the treasure island islands
I’ll probably hunt for him with nook mile tickets once Roswell moves out I’ll compile a list of ones I’ll hunt for -
The closest one to Jayden is Jay and he’s a blue bird
Acnh Chester’s birthday is August 6th so that will now be actual Chester’s birthday it’s canon I’m god
Might get Jay too just so him and Chester can be together
Idk about the chances of me getting Chester, just because he’s not on any treasure islands I use. I might get Stitches instead if I can’t find him on the nook mile islands :(
i haven't played animal crossing but hell yeah jay and chester-
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