Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
"Okay." Lavender paused. "You have to stop hiding in my shoulder first..."
Maeve looked up at her.
"Good job!" Lavender giggled, kissing her nose. She started walking.
Maeve huffed and followed.
Lavender noticed the huff. "I'm sorry, do you not like it when I kiss you?" She said in a teasing voice.
"You keep acting upset when I do! You're giving me mixed messages!" Lavender giggled, leaning into her.
‘Yeah, well- Just keep kissing me,’ Maeve mumbled, pulling herself closer.
"Works for me~" Lavender pecked her lips with a triumphant grin.
Maeve blushed.
Lavender grinned. They got to her bakery, and she walked up the stairs and into her room.
Maeve followed.
Lavender pulled her closer once the door to her room was shut.
Maeve blushed, looking at her.
Lavender grinned, kissing her nose.
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