Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Maeve wrapped an arm around her.
Lavender blushed, looking at her with a grin.
Maeve giggled.
They got to the restaurant, and Lavender opened the door for her.
Maeve walked inside. ‘Thank you~’
"You're welcome." Lavender followed after her, and walked up to a worker. "Table for two, please."
Maeve looked at the waiter.
"Of course, follow me." Lavender followed him because he said so.
Maeve followed Lavender.
When they got to the table, Lavender pulled up a chair for Maeve before sitting in her own.
Maeve sat down.
Lavender grinned. She looked at her menu.
Maeve looked over her shoulder, just because she wanted to be close to her.
Lavender looked up. "Hey."
Maeve grinned. ‘Hi.’
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