Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Lavender blushed, beaming. She looked up with a dorky smile on her face.
Maeve giggled, snuggling close.
"What're you laughing about?" She chuckled, not realizing how much she was blushing and just how goofy her smile was.
‘Nothing,’ Maeve chuckled, holding her close.
Lavender rolled her eyes. "Clearly it's not nothing." She laughed, but didn't really care.
Maeve chuckled.
Lavender stared at her for a moment before realizing she was staring and looking away quickly.
Maeve grinned, playing with her hair.
Lavender blushed even more, beaming.
Maeve chuckled. ‘You’re very red~’
Lavender shook her head, burying her head in Maeve's shoulder, very embarrassed. "Am not-"
Maeve giggled, brushing a piece of hair behind her hair. ‘Are too.’
Lavender shook her head again, pulling Maeve closer without realizing it. "Nope. You're hallucinating."
Maeve laughed. ‘If you say so~’
"Shut uuuup." Lavender whined softly, chuckling.
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