Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Sebastian pat his head.
Vincent leaned into his touch.
Sebastian smiled.
Vincent grinned.
Sebastian chuckled.
Vincent hugged him close.
Sebastian let him.
Vincent sighed into his shoulder, relaxing.
Sebastian held him close.
(Isn’t it like super duper late for you)
Vincent let him -
(nah it's only 12:30)
Sebastian smiled. -
(that’s my definition of super duper late omg go to bed)
Vincent hugged him. -
(eh I will in like half an hour or something like that)
Sebastian held him close. -
(Are you sure like you can go to bed if you want to)
Vincent exhaled. Margaret rolled her eyes. -
(yeah im sure lol)
Sebastian glared at Margaret.
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