Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
‘Yeah,’ Vincent said, grabbing his hand.
Sebastian took his hand. "If you're sure..."
Vincent played with his hand.
Sebastian let him.
Vincent smiled
Sebastian gave a small smile back.
Vincent grinned, following him downstairs.
Sebastian took him to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?"
‘I’m not sure,’ he said, still playing with his hands. ‘Is mac and cheese an option?’
"Yeah, I can make some." Sebastian let go of his hand to grab a box of it, and started making some.
‘Thanks,’ Vincent said. He sat on the kitchen counter and watched him.
"You're welcome." Sebastian sat on the counter once it was time to wait for the mac and cheese to be ready.
Vincent looked at him.
Sebastian waved.
Vincent smiled and waved back, shuffling closer.
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