Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
"Because I said so."
Sebastian nodded. "Exactly."
Vincent walked up the stairs.
Sebastian followed.
Vincent walked into a storage room and flicked the light on. It was full of boxes and shelves.
Sebastian looked around at the shelves.
Vincent opened a box and coughed from the dust.
"You alright?"
‘Yep,’ Vincent said, rummaging around in the box. ‘I’ve been looking for this for forever!’ He pulled out a small, weird looking wooden duck and chucked it at Sebastian, then looked in another box.
Sebastian caught it, staring at the duck thingy in confusion.
Vincent coughed into his elbow from the dust and looked through another box. ‘Ah, here we are! Have any favourite board games?’
"Nah, not really." Sebastian was more of a cards person, since it was usually quicker, but he was willing to make an exception for tonight.
Vincent picked up a box, an early version of Monopoly. ‘This good?’
"Yeah." Sebastian shrugged.
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