Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Vincent grinned, letting him.
Sebastian chuckled.
Vincent wrapped an arm around his waist.
Sebastian blushed bright red, moving his hand down to where Vincents' arm was and moving it away from his waist.
(gtg for a bit sorry) -
Vincent wrapped it around his torso instead, like just below his arms. -
(I'm here for now but I'm gonna have to go in less than an hour soooo)
Sebastian leaned into him. -
(Alg lmaooo)
Vincent smiled, letting him. -
Sebastian grinned.
Vincent beamed.
Sebastian leaned into him.
Vincent let him, pulling him closer.
Sebastian blushed, letting him.
Vincent smiled at his blushing. It was kind of cute.
Sebastian noticed him smiling, raising an eyebrow.
Vincent pat his head.
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