We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Thread Topic: We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Caleb smiled, playing with his hair.
Richard leaned into his touch.
Caleb beamed.
Richard grinned.
Caleb kissed his cheek.
Richard blushed, leaning into his touch.
Caleb smiled. He continued working, and after a few minutes, there was a knock at the door.
Richard immediately pulled away from him. "Do you want me to hide?"
Caleb looked up at the door and gestured under his desk, hushing him. ‘Just in case,’ he said, then called, ‘just a moment!’
Richard nodded, hiding under the desk.
‘Come in!’ Caleb called. A man opened the door. The same brown hair as Caleb, but had blue eyes.
‘Hey, lil cuz. Your advisor let me in.’
Caleb rolled his eyes. ‘What are you doing here?’ -
Richard stayed as hidden as he could, trying to muffle his breathing. Once he realized it wasn't his dad, he relaxed a tiny bit.
‘Wanted to see my lil cuz. A little birdie told me you’re in kahoots with the West king’s son,’ the man said, leaning against the doorframe.
‘My advisor found out?’
‘Pfft, yeah. Have you guys, y’know-‘
‘No! What do you want?’ -
"You already asked that. I wanted to see you, obviously."
‘We both know that’s not a possibility. Your dad in jail again and needs someone to bust him out? You blew all your savings and need to borrow mine? Can’t you see I’m busy right now?’
‘Busy hooking up with guys and not doing your kingly duties? C’mon, cuz, just a little favour-‘
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