We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Thread Topic: We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Caleb fell asleep after like 10 minutes idk how normal people get to sleep.
Dude idk how I get to sleep let alone normal people. Richard fell asleep shortly after, holding him close.
(I'm gonna go to focus on homework for a bit, idk when i'll be back) -
Me neither it takes like an hour for me to fall asleep- Caleb shifted closer in his sleep.
(Ok alg, I’ll probably be here) -
dude it takes at least an hour and a half for me- Richard leaned into him.
I just go to sleep really really late and it takes less time- Caleb let him.
nah dude I go to bed early-ish and then just don't fall asleep lol- Richard snored lightly.
That’s so real that’s why I stay up till midnight on my phone so I get tired and get to bed easier- The next morning, Caleb snuggled up to him.
nah dude i gotta get all snuggled up and just lay there for an hour otherwise i'm not doing it right- Richard woke up groggily, seeing that Caleb was snuggled up to him.
Help that’s so real- Caleb held him close.
Richard blushed, smiling.
Caleb stirred.
Richard kissed his forehead.
Caleb rubbed his eyes and looked up at him.
Richard smiled.
Caleb smiled back.
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