We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Thread Topic: We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
(Om nom nom nom om)
Caleb gave a weak smile and opened the door for him. -
(chompity chomp chompers)
"Sorry." Richard walked in. -
(Aww we’re not on the yummy page anymore)
‘It’s fine.’
Viktor was already there, and frowned when they walked in together. -
Richard sat down, not realizing his father was frowning intensely at him. -
(i gtg now sorry)
Caleb sat down too.
(Alg!) -
Richard looked up at him.
Caleb looked down.
Richard grinned.
Caleb ripped the corners off a napkin.
‘Why did you two walk in together?’ -
"We both realized it was dinner time and walked here at the same time." Richard shrugged. "We bumped into each other in the hallway."
Viktor watched him for a moment, clearly not buying it.
Richard didn't particularly care if he did buy it or not.
Their food came.
Richard took his plate. "Thank you."
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