Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden let him, smiling gently.
(Here for like 5 minutes sorry)
Chester hugged him close. -
(alg I have to go soon too)
Jayden grinned. -
Chester smiled slightly.
"You look so sad." Jayden mumbled.
Chester's smile weakened and he pulled him closer. 'I'm just tired.
Jayd frowned. "Okay. Do you want me to leave you alone."
'No. Please stay.'
Jayden nodded, leaning into him.
Chester held him tightly.
Jayd let him, holding him close.
(sorry but I'm gonna go since it's getting late ish and I'm exhausted lol) -
Chester let him, sighing.
Jayden took his hand and started massaging it gently.
Chester let him, closing his eyes.
Jayd smiled, holding him close.
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