``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Eli walked through the door. "Mom, I'm back!" They said, walking in.
(gtg for a bit!) -
(alr, bye!
I'll be here, as I've got a sick day š)
'How was your friend?' Eli's mum asked from another room. -
(I'm back)
"Good. It's fine if he sleeps over tonight, right?" -
(wb! Sorry I kept you waiting, I was having lunch :D)
'Of course!' -
(All good!)
"Ok, great!" Eli said happily, motioning for Callum to come inside. -
Callum followed Eli inside, shutting the door behind him.
"Lets go in my room, the sleeping bag's still set up in there."
'You didn't pack it away?' Callum asked, following them upstairs.
Eli shook their head. "Nah, we slept in, remember? We didn't have much time to."
'True,' Callum said, thinking back to when he wanted to sleep in.
"Oh wait, do you want dinner?" Eli asked, stopping on the way to their room.
'Dinner would be good.'
"Alright, I think we got leftover pizza if you want some." Eli offered, opening the fridge and checking what they had.
"Alright, do you want it microwaved or just cold?" Eli asked, grabbing the leftover cheese pizza.
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