Warriors OC Generator!
- Locked due to inactivity on May 7, '21 3:54am
Thread Topic: Warriors OC Generator!
Choose the second letter of your first name below. The result will be the prefix of your cat's name.
A = Amber
B = Bear
C = Copper
D = Dark
E = Eagle
F = Flame
G = Ginger
H = Hare
I = Ink
J = Jagged
K = Keen
L = Luck
M = Moth
N = Nut
O = Osprey
P = Pigeon
Q = Quail
R = Rapid
S = Stag
T = Twisted
U = Urchin
V = Viper
W = Web
Y = Yellow
Z = Zinnia
Now, choose the last letter of your middle or last name. The result will be your cat name's suffix
A = Ash
B = Brush
C = Claw
D = Dusk
E = Eye
F = Fern
G = Goose
H = Hop
I = Ire
J = Jump
K = Kale
L = Leap
M = Magpie
N = Needle
O = Oak
P = Pine
Q = Quetzal
R = Run
S = Song
T = Tree
U = Ugly
V = Vine
W = Wish
Y = Yin
Z = Zamia
You can make the color whatever.
Choose what level your account is and the corresponding rank!
Newbie - Kit (change suffix to -kit)
Novice - Apprentice (change suffix to -paw)
Junior - Warrior
Experienced - Elder
Advanced - Medicine Cat or Queen
Senior - Senior Warrior or Deputy
Hotshot - Leader (change suffix to -star)
Elite - Rogue/Loner
Ultra Elite - Kittyper
Choose whatever clan ya want
Post which cat you get below. Also feel free to add your own generators. -
Mine would be Eaglesong, warrior
Twistedpine, warrior
Amberneedle, deputy
Y'all, we should use these for an RP š -
Zinniayin- warrior
Choose the first letter of your first name, the result will be the prefix of your cat's name
A = Thunder
B = River
C = Shadow
D = Wind
E = Sky
F = Lightning
G = Stream
H = Night
I = Breeze
J = Cloud
K = Moon
L = Sun
M = Yellow
N = Blue
O = Black
P = Brown
Q = Gray
R = White
S = Sharp
T = Quick
U = Keen
V = Running
W = Flower
X = Fox
Y = Badger
Z = Flare
Choose the first letter of your middle or last name, and it will be your cat's suffix (the result)
A = Eye
B = Eyes
C = Pelt
D = Fur
E = Fire
F = Heart
G = Branch
H = Tree
I = Sprout
J = Rose
K = Herb
L = Tail
M = Nose
N = Blow
O = Lake
Q = Flame
R = Egg
S = Spring
T = Winter
U = Fall
V = Summer
W = Leaf
X = Dapple
Y = Coat
Z = Stick
Now, choose which continent you live on. Your result will determine your Clan.
North or South America = ThunderClan
Antarctica or Australia = ShadowClan
Europe = SkyClan
Africa = WindClan
Asia = RiverClan
Choose what month you were born in. Your result will determine your rank.
January = Kit (replace suffix with kit)
February = Apprentice (replace suffix with paw)
March = Warrior
April = Senior Warrior
May = Queen
June = Elder
July = Medicine Cat
August = Deputy
September = Leader (replace suffix with star)
October = Kittypet (get rid of suffix)
November = Loner (get rid of suffix)
December = Rogue (get rid of suffix)
Appearance is up to you! -
For this new and improved OC generator, my result would be:
Stream, a kittypet -
Very clever, but I'm not falling for that
Jagged Hop, Loner
Pack: Cloud Tree
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