Thread Topic: hi
it's all good! the history is cleared so i don't need to anymore, unless you want to clear out my messages from today 😂
im logged out now ^
slayyy, i'm a lizard u^u
screw it, lets make my friend even more mad for the amount of alts i have.
Can i have yukine? -
Sure! Same method as before?
I know you're having issues changing Panic's pfp, is there any requests for this one's pfp before i hand it over? Just in case changing the pfp doesn't work on your end
you can jus change it to like a random cat or something if thats okay its all i can really think of.
Kk done, and the password is the same as the last one if you remember it
im in ty lol
kk, gotcha! :)
all yours! :)
Somehow the option to change the pfp is fine here and not on panic 💀
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