Thread Topic: DROOGAN
Porak put some food on his plate.
She sat down at a table with her food.
(We need something to happen)
Porak ate his food. -
(Don't know what)
(From what I've heard a bunch of ruckus happens at lunch)
As did Cassie -
A boy threw a piece of food at Cassie.
(Nailed it đź‘Ť) -
She turned around. "Quit it," she said. -
He threw a piece of food at her again.
Porak glared at him. "Stop."
he said. -
Cassie moved her hair over her shoulder so that she could get the stiff out of her hair, leaving her neck bare.
The boy threw a piece of hard bread at her neck.
(Croutons? Lol)
"Ow!" Cassie said half in surprise and turned to the boy again. -
(It was exactly like croutons but I won't admit that it is a crouton U_U)
Porak growled at the boy. "Stop it" Porak growled.
The boy just laughed and threw water on Cassie's head. -
She sputtered as there was suddenly water in her face. The boy was starting to draw the attention of other students and teachers. Cassie wiped her face with a napkin.
A few students snickered, others gaped, and most of them looked away.
Porak's face turned dark and he got up from his seat. He approached the boy (whose name was Richie ;3) and glared at him. -
(Wait so what is Richie?)
Cassandra watched Porak. She hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid. -
(Idk, I just wanna use that name every time we have a bully or something like that. Lol)
Porak did something stupid and punched the boy.
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