Anybody Wanna RP?
Thread Topic: Anybody Wanna RP?
After a few times going around the rink, Turner loosened his grip on Callyn. “Now, try walking without me.” He said.
She hesitated for a good three seconds before taking two steps, keeping a firm hold on the edge of the rink.
Turner gave her an approving nod. “You’re doing amazing!” He exclaimed.
"I've taken two steps," she pointed out. "Hardly anything to be so excited about." She gained a bit of confidence and took a few more steps
“Yes, but it’s an improvement.” He said. Turner skated up next to Callyn after she took a few more steps. “Do you think you can start skating?” He asked.
"I don't know..." she said, uncertain
“Maybe try? We all have to take a leap of faith sometime.” He said. Turner started thinking about what he said. A leap of faith. Maybe he could confess to Callyn? He shrugged it off and watched Callyn.
She started scooting across the ice, her feet never leaving the ground and her hand never leaving rhe edge.
“Your doing great!” He said.
(I'm half expecting him to just grab her and start skating lol)
Callyn kept scooting her feet across the ice, not daring to do anything else. She didn't want to fall! -
Turner grabbed Callyns arm and started skating. “You’ll learn faster this way!” He called over his shoulder.
(Me: I half excpect...
June: *does it*)
Callyn gave a yelp when she was suddenly gliding over the ice faster that she wanted to. She was holding onto Turner for dear life.
Her skates got a nick in the ice and she tried to recover, but she lost her footing and fell on the ground, possibly taking Turner with her. -
(Because U_U I listen to everything and will do anything. :3)
Turner gave a yell of surprise and fell onto the ice as well as Callyn. “Oof.” He said as he touched the ground. -
Callyn couldn't help but laugh. She saw that Turner was soon up. She slowly but surely managed to get up. She gave a surprised noise when she felt herself slipping again, and quickly wrapped her arms around Turner tightly to keep herself from falling a second time.
(You do?)
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