Anybody Wanna RP?
Thread Topic: Anybody Wanna RP?
"What' time is it?" she mumbled and started looking around from her point in the room for a clock.
Turner looked at his watch, "1:00pm."
Her eyes widened and her mouth flew open. "Oh shoot shoot shoot shoot," she said as she ran out the door.
Turner ran after her. "Hey, where are you going?"
"To work!" Callyn exclaimed. She whipped out her phone and called her work.
"Ooooo you're in trouble!" Turner teased.
Callyn didn't heed him. The man on the other end of the phone asked when she'd be able to get there.
Callyn looked out the window. She didn't have her car. "Uhh if I walk..." She quickly mapped out the city in her head. "Twenty minutes to half an hour?" -
Turner took the phone. "That won't be necessary, I can drive her."
Callyn looked at him gratefully. She took the phone back. "Make that about ten minutes," she said. After a few more words to each other she hung up.
"I'll go get dressed before we go." Turner said, heading to his room.
Callyn waited impatiently for him.
A few minutes later, Turner came back out. “Lets go.” He said.
"Right," Callyn said and rushed out the door towards his car.
Turner chuckled and got in the drivers seat.
"Thank you so much," Callyn said as she quickly put her seatbelt on.
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