Hogwarts Roleplay
Thread Topic: Hogwarts Roleplay
What? Yeah, I know I keep talking about it, but we were just getting to the exciting parts before it became so inactive.
Name: Oasis Aurborn
Gender: Female
Age: 13
House: Hufflepuff
Appearance: Long wavy golden-brown hair, clear blue eyes, and pale skin.
Personality: Curious, adventurous, energetic, and ambitious! She loves her friends, especially her closest friend Harbor (if they're still friends, that is)
Backstory (Family, Friends, Relationships, Childhood, Events?): She has an enormously fat cat named Mr. Chubs.
Other: I tried to remake her :c
Name: Ivy Patterstone
Gender: Female
Age: 11
House: Ravenclaw
Appearance: Short blonde hair, bright green eyes, pale skin and a slim figure. Her hair is such a pale blonde that sometimes it looks almost silvery.
Personality: TBR (to be revealed)
Backstory (Family, Friends, Relationships, Childhood, Events?): She came from a strict family of no-nonsense Ravenclaws and was raised to be just the same. That's why she's very tentative when it comes to doing anything she shouldn't.
Other: Her school pet is a common barn owl that she found in her home one day named Owen. She also has a green dragon that was shrunk for simplicity, his name is Wilbur. He's a secret.
Name: Christopher "Chris" Anderin
Gender: Female
Age: 13
House: Gryffindor
Appearance: Scruffy dark brown hair, blue gray eyes, and chocolatey brown skin.
Personality: Playful, adventurous, spunky.
Backstory (Family, Friends, Relationships, Childhood, Events?): ???
Other: He has a gray owl named Weston. -
Chris is a dude -
Okay! We can start now.
No posting order or rules. When making a non related comment, end with: )), or just put it in parenthesis.
Based on people:
Me: Autumn and Almond
Cham: Grey and Harbor
Spice: Oasis, Ivy, and Chris
Based on House:
Gryffindor - Grey, Chris
Ravenclaw - Almond, Ivy
Hufflepuff - Harbor, Oasis
Slytherin - Autumn is all alone
Based on Age:
11 - Almond and Ivy
13 - Autumn, Oasis, Chris, Grey, and Harbor
=) -
Are they boarding, or getting ready to board, the Hogwarts Express? Or...?
The 11 year olds can we getting ready, and 13 year olds boarding.))
be* not we
Aw, this seemed cool but I'm too late. Have fun!
You can still join if you want. The more the merrier!
Also, I haven't read the books. I've only watched the movies up to the seventh one.
Name: Hunter Grey
Gender: Male
Age: 13
House: Gryffindor
Appearance: A dirty-blond haired boy with brown eyes, pale skin, and freckles across his nose
Personality: Brave and reckless, can be stubborn
Backstory (Family, Friends, Relationships, Childhood, Events?): None
Other: He has a pet screech owl named Quill -
Name: Sierra Taylor
Gender: Female
Age: 14
House: Ravenclaw
Appearance: A dark brown haired girl with dark brown eyes, and light brown skin
Personality: Clever and sly, but can be sweet
Backstory (Family, Friends, Relationships, Childhood, Events?): None
Other: She has a pet calico cat named Koi -
Name: Ember Sparks
Gender: Female
Age: 11
House: Gryffindor
Appearance: A flaming red haired girl with blue eyes and pale skin
Personality: Cocky and brave with a great sense of humor
Backstory (Family, Friends, Relationships, Childhood, Events?): None
Other: She has a pet bearded dragon named Alduin -
Is it fine if there's nobody else at Sierra's age?
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