My Plot Place
Thread Topic: My Plot Place
1 (1x1)
C1 and C2 are siblings, in a world with the purge. During their 12th purge, C1 got raped and brutally beaten by someone who he held close. After that, C1 trained for the purge, and eventually became a ringleader. C2 grew worried for C1, and out of hopes that he would become normal again, C2 showed C1 their love for them -
2, The God And The Peasant (1×1)
A god rules over all of the known land. They comes across an island far in the sea, and finds a small village not yet conquered. The god tries to rule them as well, however they all refuse, elder to newborn. This upsets the god, and they destroy the village. However, one villager escaped. He tried to flee, to no avail. The god caught the villager, and for disobeying death, the villager's punishment was to serve the god in anyway the god pleased, granting the villager immortality so they could forever serve the god -
3, Gamer Collage
Two gamers meet at Comic Con, and again at E3. They agree on meeting up, and connect. At the next E3, they e already sprung strong feelings for one another, and go wwith the other, as friends. They take part of a huge tournament hosted by Nintendo, playing many games on the switch. Soon, the tournament elimenates most everyone else in the preliminaries, and only pro gamers are left. The prize? Only 6,000,000 dollars, and and a copy of every system and game Nintendo has produced. Also, the winner will be named best in the world, and footage of the games will be sent up into the cosmos
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